3.3 Refresh

3 minutesread

For Conceptual models, there is a Recalculate/Refresh button on the toolbar.  This should be used whenever settings are updated for Glazing Percentage, Glazing Specification, Fritting settings or whenever shading is added, adjusted or removed.

For Conceptual Mass models, there is no manual Refresh button on the Dashboard. An auto-refresh function is built into the application for some settings such as when changing the Overall Glazing Percentage (press return on your keyboard).  For modifications to specific Surfaces, you may need to use the Recalculate button to update the results (eg. changing the glazing percentage, adding a canopy, adding fritting, simulating surrounding buildings etc).

If the model itself is to be modified, such as when the geometry of the Conceptual Mass is changed or if surrounds are added or removed, you should close the application, load the model again to get a new energy model from Revit and return to the Building Manager to recalculate the results as the model condition has changed. The application will sense any changes in the Revit project and a message will display that the application will close.

For Detailed models, a manual Refresh button is included in the application interface. You should use this when updating glazing types from the Glass Database, Adding Windows or Curtain Walls from the application. In some cases, a new energy model is required from Revit and the application will request this from Revit. In other cases when the glass type on the model has been changed, a new energy model is not required and the Refresh button will simply use the updated information to get new results.

The application will identify whether a new Energy Model is required or not.  For instance, if you have only changed the glass types in the model, the refreshing will be faster. If the geometry of the model has been modified (glazing is added or deleted), shading devices added/removed etc, then a new Energy Model is required from Revit to reflect the current model condition.

Note: It is recommended that if significant alterations are to be made to the model, that Guardian Glass for BIM is closed out, modifications are made and the application is opened again once the model has been prepared.

Certain modifications to the model such as adding/deleting new glazed areas or changing element functions from Internal to External may require relaunching of of the application since new surfaces will be created which will generate Solar Loads. When you relaunch the application, select the Start Over  option.

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