6.1.4 Building Elemental Performance

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This area will display notional thermal values for the mass model. The values set in the chosen Code are displayed in the panel. Values may then be input or adjusted for each element. These will simulate actual properties in the model.

The values input in the Building Elemental Performance panel for Roofs and Floors will affect the Maximum Façade Performance. As the values for the Roof and Floor are improved, the Maximum Façade Performance will reduce to indicate that façade elements should reach this level of performance.

As the thermal properties for Walls or Glazing elements improve, more glazing will be allowed. This can be seen in the Maximum Allowable Glazing slider.

The Selected Facade Performance provides an indication of the effect on Maximum Allowable Glazing. This allows you to select an improved value for Façade Performance to see what amount of glazing would be allowed. When you click into this value, the slider may be moved to simulate improved performance.

Improved performance will require less glazing in the façade and this is indicated by the Maximum Allowable Glazing reducing as the Selected Façade Performance increases.  The value may be reset by bringing the slider back to the minimum value on the scale.

Element values may be input for Mass Models

In imperial models, thermal values for all elements (except glazing) are given in R-values. Only Glazing Properties are shown as imperial U-Values.

In metric models, all values (including glazing) are shown as metric U-values.

For Conceptual Mass Models (imperial and metric), since there are no building elements in the model such as floors or walls, the values shown are simulated element properties. No properties are written to the Conceptual Mass Revit model.

Note: It is not possible to input values in Performance for Detailed models. These values are derived from the properties assigned to Revit elements/materials.


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