17.1 Massing in Revit

2 minutesread

Create a mass that is specific to the context of the current project.  This mass cannot be reused in other projects.  Click Massing & Site tab in Revit and choose In-Place Mass.

  1. Enter a name for the in-place mass family and click OK. The application window then displays the conceptual design environment.
  2. Create the desired shapes using the tools on the Draw panel.
  3. Using Levels in the project, extend the shapes to the desired heights.  Masses for use in the application work better if they are modeled floor by floor rather than as one volume.  Where a model is to be largely uniform, masses may be copied and pasted to aligned Levels using the tools on the Revit menu.  This should be done while still in the massing editor.
  4. When you are finished, click Finish Mass.
  5. This Mass then needs to be prepared for use in the application. Check the Levels in an Elevation View.  Create or open an existing 3D View. Click on the Mass and use Add Mass Floors on the Revit Menu.  Choose all Floor Levels except the roof.
  6. Create the Energy Model in Revit. Check the Energy Settings and that Conceptual Masses is the chosen method.
  7. If there are any warnings from the Energy Model, resolve these before opening the application. Eg. the Mass may not sit exactly on the lowest Level.  You can check this in an Elevation View.  You may need to zoom in to check that the lower surface of the Mass is touching the lowest Level.

Any area which does not have a Mass Floor assigned in Revit, will be treated as unconditioned spaces by Revit’s Energy Model.


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