9.1.1 Common Options

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1. Web Service Location– Depending on your location, you may choose the most appropriate web service location for your region. The application will work with any of these options checked.  There are two alternates provided for Europe and the USA.

In the event that you find there are issues connecting to one server, if it is taking time to get results, or you find that the values do not appear correctly, you may switch to an alternative.

Note: depending on complexity, larger models will take some time to generate results

Multiple Servers may be chosen from the list is required

2. View Settings– Tick the boxes provided to set a number of view configurations including Show expanded on opening which displays the expanded window on start-up and enabling View Rotation based on selections in the Façades.

Note: the View Rotation or highlighting of surfaces is not available in Revit’s 3D Energy Model view. The default 3D View or a custom 3D View should be used in Revit. To see the effect of this setting, the application should be relaunched.

Common Settings

3. Debug SettingsEnable Complete Logging may be checked to provide more details in the Log files that are saved should there be any issues. For large models, Enable Complete Logging may be unchecked, so as to not reduce the performance of the application during excessive logging.

4. Clear Cache can be helpful and may be requested by the support team to clear any cached solar data, which may be causing issues.  This will clear the database files for Energy Standards, Solar Data and settings for Custom Groups.

Clearing the cache of previous stored data if required

Changing Output Units
There is also an option to select the output units for results and values. Whether the project has been modeled in metric or imperial units, you may choose to get output results in either unit type.  After changing the setting, close and relaunch the application to use the new units.


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