7.3.3 Using the Glass Database

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Open the Glass Database by clicking on the tab.

This will open the window with the database of Guardian Glass Types and Filter Controls.  The Bubble Chart relating to the database may also be opened in the Charts area.  Once the glazing element has been selected in the model, the existing Glass Type will be displayed in the Charts.

You may select a different Glass Type from the database while keeping in mind the parameters that will suit your project.  For instance, if the glazing is South facing, you may wish to select an entry with a lower Solar Heat Gain Coefficient / Solar Factor (SHGC / SF) to reduce the effect of over-heating.

  1. Search Filter (input a product name)
  2. Toggle List (Custom Glass / Database only / Database + Custom Glass)
  3. Smart Surface function (filter list based on parameters)
  4. Filter parameters (U-value, SHGC/SF, VLT)
  5. Environmental Product Declaration
  6. Region filter (default is the project location)
  7. Glass Analytics (link to Guardian custom glass)
  8. Ask – Enquiry Form
  9. Guardian Website (product information)
  10. Apply the Glass Type to the Model
  11. Pagination / Scrolling – go to further pages


  • Select a glazing element on the model by using the tab key to click a window or curtain panel.

  • You can also select the element from the details list in Facades – it will highlight on the model

  • Once an element is selected, click into the Glass Database tab.  Here you may search for a product name or word that is part of the description.  The sliders may be adjusted to filter the list by U-value, SHGC/SF and VLT.  The list may also be sorted by clicking on the headings for these categories.  A small arrow will display to indicate that the list is sorting by highest or lowest values. Clicking on the category each time will filter by highest or lowest values.  By clicking on Name, the list may also be sorted alphabetically by name.
  • The Region filter will default to the site location of the model.  This will display Guardian products available in this region.  This may be over-ridden by going into the Region filter and selecting other regions or deselecting the default region.

  • EPD filter refers to Environmental Product Declaration. All Guardian products have this assigned.
  • Once a Glass Type/Product has been selected in the list, this may be applied to the glazed element that was selected in the model. Use the Apply button to do this then use the Refresh button on the Dashboard to update the results.  Some entries will appear in Revit immediately while others require a restart of Revit.  Once they are written to Revit,  they will be available for other projects and will apply immediately there. 
  • A message will display to indicate that the update was successful or if the entry requires a restart of Revit.  Multiple entries may be applied in one session and when complete, Revit may be restarted.  The model may be saved if there are modifications to the model geometry or you have made other changes in Revit.  If the only changes are the settings made in the application, it is not necessary to save the model but it is good practice.
  • On restarting Revit and launching the application, a message will remind you that changes have been made in the last session and if you wish to apply those.  You may choose Yes, No  or Don’t Ask Again. Yes will apply the new glass types. No will not apply the glass types for this Revit session but will remember them and display the message for the next restart. Don’t Ask again will not apply the changes and will remove them from memory.



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